27 April 2022 3:46

Was ist das Symbol für etcetera?

Der lateinische Ausdruck et cetera (Abkürzung etc.)

How do you pronounce et cetera?

Zitieren: It etc et cetera et cetera et cetera did you get it let me know in the comments etc here are more videos on how to pronounce more latin phrases.

How is et pronounce?

A Quick Overview Of Et

‚In French ‚and‘ is very easy and simple to remember: the word is et and it is phonetically pronounced eh. Don’t ever pronounce the ‚t‘. There is something called liaison in French where a silent letter at the end of a word is sometimes pronounced to link it to the next word.

Why do we say et cetera?

The abbreviation etc. is from the Latin et cetera, which means “and other things.” It appears at the end of a list when there is no point in giving more examples. Writers use it to say, “And so on” or “I could go on” or “You get the idea.”

Is it EC cetera or et cetera?

The Latin term et cetera („and the rest“) is usually written as two words in Canadian English. However, the one-word spelling etcetera is also correct. The abbreviation for this term is etc. (Note that the c comes last; the misspelling ect. is a common error.)

What is a cetera?

Latin phrase. : and others especially of the same kind : and so forth —abbreviation etc.

What does et cetera mean Latin?

from Latin, from et and + cetera the other (things)

How does Cetera make money?

In addition to commissions Cetera Investment Services receives from the sale of Alternative Investment Products, we receive marketing allowance payments from sponsors of Alternative Investment Products.