24 Januar 2022 16:30
"Wir stecken in Schwierigkeiten": US-Gesandter warnt Länder, die Klimaziele nicht erreichen

„Wir stecken in Schwierigkeiten“: US-Gesandter warnt Länder, die Klimaziele nicht erreichen

By Valerie Volcovici

WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) – The world is „not on track“ to meet the global goal of avoiding the worst impacts of climate change and needs to step up efforts to move away from fossil fuels this decade, John Kerry, U.S. special envoy for climate change, said on Monday.

„We are in trouble. I hope everybody understands that,“ Kerry said at the „Powering UN COP27“ event, organized by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and officials from Egypt, host of the upcoming UN climate summit.

Kerry said at the event that he is concerned about the recent increase in coal use around the world and plans to build new coal plants without carbon capture technology.

Egypt will host the next UN climate summit, known as COP27, in Sharm el-Sheikh in November, where the government will try to showcase its own work to eliminate coal in power generation, improve wastewater management and launch construction of public transportation projects.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Hassan Shoukry said that, as host of the UN climate summit, Egypt will try to be the voice of African nations, which are among the most affected by climate change, and focus on implementing what was codified in the Paris climate agreement.

„We will listen to the needs and priorities of Africa and other developing countries that have suffered greatly from the negative effects of climate change,“ Shoukry said.